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RESTORING Your Wallet Status to See your LOD3wallet Balances – 11.24.2024
RESTORING Your Wallet Status to See your LOD3wallet Balances – 11.24.2024

This document will help you determine where you are in the process of RESTORING your LOD3wallet and your LOD3 Assets.

Updated over 2 months ago


Before we begin this process, you will need to be able to work with your computer technology. You must be able to:

1. Open tabs on your browser

2. Be able to navigate between a wallet tab and an email program tab

3. Be able to highlight and copy information from one tab and paste into a program in another tab

4. Be able to compose an email and send it to an email address.

If you cannot perform any of these tasks then please go to YouTube and search for a tutorial that centers around your computer technology that will help to explain how to perform these tasks. Support is not geared towards assisting with this skill set.

Here is a link to the LOD3wallet AMA Walk Through. This review will help to orient you on how to use the LOD3wallet and where to locate certain information.

Here is a handy form to help you track your Login Details such as email, password, PIN and your 12-word-recovery-phrase. The form can also be used to help Beneficiaries access your account.

An Important note here. Some of you have lost or misplaced your original 12-word-recovery-phrase. It is very possible that you have it stored somewhere.

In order to protect the integrity of the LOD3 Eco-System it is very important that you diligently try, to the best of your ability, to locate your original 12-words. If you find them then please choose Scenario B) to RESTORE your original wallet where you will see your LOD3 Token Classic (LTC). Thank you.

​This following section will help address where you are in the process of RESTORING your LOD3wallet to the latest version and how to recover your LOD3 Assets.

Scenario A) You Have Access to Your Member Portal & Have Never Setup a LODEpay Wallet

You have only ever setup your Member Portal Account and have access to your original email and password. You have never setup a mobile LODEpay wallet as this will be your first wallet of that nature and you do not possess an original 12-word-recovery-phrase.

Scenario B) You have Setup a LODEpay Wallet and Possess your 12-Word-Recovery-Phrase or You Think that you are Using Your Original 12-Words

You have previously setup a LODEpay wallet and possess your original 12-word-recovery-phrase, OR you think you are using the original 12-words.

Scenario C) - Lost Words or Hacked - Creating a New LOD3wallet with New Words and New AVAX Address - Using the Same Email Address -11.13.2024

This scenario applies to those who have lost their original 12-words and have never setup a new second wallet OR those who have been hacked and now need a new LOD3wallet

Scenario D) You Lost Access to the LODEpay Wallet and Lost Your Original 12-Word-Recovery-Phrase and Created a Second Wallet - 12.12.2024

You are an existing user who has lost access to your original 12-words and the LODEpay app. You have also created a new LOD3wallet with a different set of 12-words and a different Receive address.

A note here. We have users that successfully RESTORE their LOD3wallet yet feel the need to reach out to Support to confirm all is good. If you used your original 12-words, or have restored the wallet using another set of 12-words, and you have sent in the email to Admin with all the relevant address data, and you are now waiting to receive your Assets, please be patient. Before coming into Support please wait at least 10 business days before contacting us. Admin has caught up on their workload and should be on top of sending you your Assets. Thank you.

Vesting your LTC

You have now RESTORED your LOD3wallet and your LOD3 Assets have been transferred into your wallet. You now need to Deposit your LTC into the Vesting & Staking contract.

Why Has My LOD3wallet Valuation Decreased?

This article will help to explain the correction that has happened to the pricing of the LODE3 Token

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