Before we begin, we encourage that you watch the following AMA, which covers a review of the LOD3wallet. Please note that in order for LOD3 to become more efficient with its time in handling incoming emails we are requesting that our user base spend the time to learn how to navigate their LOD3wallet, to confidently secure the required information, needed to complete the following steps.
Use this Login Details and Beneficiary form to keep track of your 12-word-recovery-phrase.
When Hyperledger and Syscoin were shut down your LODE Tokens and AGX AUX were transferred to a database for safe keeping, meaning that LOD3 Admin has to move your LOD3 Assets to your now existing wallet.
βScenario B)
I SEE MY LODE Token Classic (LTC) Avalanche in my LOD3wallet but not my AGX AUX
You have previously setup a LODEpay wallet and possess your original 12-word-recovery-phrase. You now need to update to the latest version of the LOD3wallet using your original 12-word recovery phrase which will correspond with your historical Avalanche address.
Assuming that you used the original 12-words you should now see your LTC under the LODE banner but no AGX AUX.
If you do not see your LTC it means that you have another set of 12-words. If you cannot locate them then please refer to Scenario A) which can be found here:
If you have your original recovery phrase use this Tutorial to setup your LOD3wallet for Existing Members
Once Your Wallet is setup You will now Create an email to Send to LOD3 ADMIN
In the Subject Line type in Your Full Name and LODE ID - Receive Addresses (Do not input receive addresses, only the two words)
In the body of the Email include the following:
a) Advising LOD3 that you have RESTORED your historical wallet and see your LTC but not your AGX AUX, and will also need some Sys-Rollux for gas.
b) Type in AGX Sys-Rollux Receive Address which will be the same for AUX and paste the address
c) Type in SYS Syscoin Receive Address and paste the address
d) Type in Sys-Rollux Receive Address and paste the address
e) Type in AVAX Avalanche Receive Address and paste the address
f) You will now send your email to vault@lode.one
g) Please allow up to 10 business days for the transfer to take place