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FAQ - I Can Not See My LOD3 Balances
FAQ - I Can Not See My LOD3 Balances


Updated over 7 months ago


There can be a number of scenarios where you will not be able to see your Asset balances within your LOD3wallet.

Before we begin, we encourage that you watch the following AMA, which covers a review of the LOD3wallet. Please note that in order for LOD3 to become more efficient with its time in handling incoming emails we are requesting that our user base spend the time to learn how to navigate their LOD3wallet, to confidently secure the required information, needed to complete the following steps.

I DO NOT SEE MY LOD3 Tokens or LOD3 Token Classic (LTC) Avalanche

When Hyperledger was shut down, your LOD3 Tokens were transferred to a database for safe keeping.

A) This solution is to update your LOD3wallet to the latest version (3.4.248...or higher) using your original 12-word recovery phrase which will correspond with your historical Avalanche address. Assuming that you used the original 12-words you should now see your LTC under the LODE banner. If you do not see your LTC then please refer to Step B.

B) You have lost your original 12-word recovery phrase and have accidentally created a new LOD3wallet with a different set of 12-words and a different “Receive” address. Please note that any other non-LOD3 assets that are tied to this original address may also be lost.

In this scenario you will contact Support providing the following information:

1. Your Full Name and LODE ID

2. Advising LOD3 of the loss of your original 12-words, resulting in the creation of a new LOD3wallet.

3. LOD3 will then forward a Transfer Form for you to fill out providing LOD3 with your current wallet Receive address. Be advised that in this step, you have lost access to your original wallet and are now replacing it with this new wallet. Be sure to confirm that you have written down your 12-word recovery phrase for this new current wallet.

4. You will now send this form back to LOD3 and the transfer should happen within 10 business days.


AGX AUX used to reside on the Syscoin network. As Syscoin was being sunsetted on May 28th, a decision was made for users to move their AGX and AUX syscoin Assets over to Sys-Rollux, which is the Avalanche version of Syscoin. As a result these Assets have now disappeared from the LOD3wallet. All remaining AGX AUX that had not been moved were transferred to a database for safe keeping. The following scenarios were possible outcomes:

A) You see a small balance of AGX in your wallet but are not seeing the balance you once had. This is telling you that you are in your original wallet and that you are seeing a small balance that is residing on Avalanche. The bulk of your AGX are still residing on the Syscoin database. They are not lost. You will now reach out to Support providing the following information:

1. Your Full Name and LODE ID

2. You are advising LOD3 that you see a small AGX balance but are still missing the bulk of the balance (Please provide, if you can, the approximate outstanding balance)

3. Provide LOD3 with your AGX Sys-Rollux Receive Address

4. Provide LOD3 with your SYS Receive Address

5. Please allow up to 10 business days for the transfer to take place

B) You do not see any AGX and/or AUX syscoin balance(s) at all. This scenario is likely the result of having lost your original 12-word recovery phrase where your assets are residing. You inadvertently created a new LOD3wallet, with a new set of 12-words and a new wallet Receive address. You will now forward the following information into Support:

1. Your Full Name and LODE ID

2. Advising LOD3 that you have lost your original 12-words and that your current LOD3wallet, provide App version #, will become your primary LOD3wallet.

3. Provide LOD3 with your AGX Sys-Rollux Receive Address

4. Provide LOD3 with your SYS Receive Address

5. Please allow up to 10 business days for the transfer to take place


This is a scenario where someone transferred assets either to another wallet or into their LOD3wallet and the Asset has not arrived.

When transferring Assets from one wallet to another the Receive address on the other end has to match the same NETWORK that you are sending from or to, otherwise you run the risk of sending the Asset to the wrong network.

Another scenario is where you used the correct Receive address but there was a Network mismatch and now the Assets are nowhere to be found. USDC vs USDC.e for instance.

When attempting a new network transfer it is very wise to do a minimal test first in order to confirm that it will be received on the other end. A small loss due to a faulty transfer, though unfortunate, is cheap insurance.

LOD3 occasionally has users come into Support to help troubleshoot a transfer that originated from another platform such as MetaMask or Coinbase for instance. Cases like this fall outside of our scope of responsibility and our direction is for the user to speak to the other party’s Support Team.

When approaching a Support team it helps to have all the TXID (Transaction ID details) ready to submit. You must copy and paste this information as Support cannot highlight and copy information from a screenshot.

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