(The addresses you are about to see are EXAMPLE addresses only. You will find your own Receive addresses by clicking on Receive under Home top left, click on the Asset of interest, click on Copy Address button and right click and paste into the body of the email)
In the Subject Line type in your Full Name and LODE ID - Receive Addresses (Do not input receive addresses, only the two words)
In the body of the Email include the following:
I am advising LOD3 that I have a Restored LOD3wallet and require Admin to transfer my LOD3 Assets. I will also require some AVAX and Sys-Rollux for gas. Thank you.
a) Type in Syscoin SYS Receive Address and paste the address
b) Type in AVAX Avalanche Receive Address and paste the address
c) You will now send your email to vault@lode.one
d) Please allow up to 10 business days for the transfer to take place