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Date and Time Calculator

Date and Time Calculator

Updated over 3 months ago

Here is a date and time calculator

to schedule the Staking or Claiming of your LOD3 Token Avalanche within your Vesting and Staking (V&S) contract.

Click on the calendar and pick the date that you deposited your LTC, then at far right to Days, input 30, then click on the Repeat box and input 25 and click Calculate.

This will give you a list of 25 dates 30 days apart. Go to these dates in your personal calendar and input the word Stake after the Time of your Deposit.

On the date scheduled in your calendar, click on Vest LTC in your wallet and click on Stake or Claim. Remember that when you click on Claim it will transfer ALL LOD3 Tokens Avalanche that are within the V&S contract.

You will only be Claiming if you wish to sell or swap on the Live Market or you wish to deposit them into the RG3N Rewards Generator, otherwise continue Staking them with the V&S contract for a 7% APY return in the form of LOD3 Token Avalanche.

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